Cooling-off period and right of withdrawal

Cooling-off period and right of withdrawal

We adhere to the legal regulations for distance purchasing, including the cooling-off period and the right of withdrawal.

We adhere to the legal regulations for distance purchasing, including the cooling-off period and the right of withdrawal.

Giffy versturen

For Products:

  1. The consumer may cancel a contract for the purchase of a product within a minimum cooling-off period of 14 days without providing any reason. Giffy B.V. may ask the consumer for the reason for withdrawal but cannot require them to provide one.

  2. The cooling-off period mentioned in paragraph 1 starts on the day after the consumer, or a third party designated by the consumer who is not the carrier, has received the product, or:

    a. If the consumer has ordered multiple products in one order: the day on which the consumer, or a designated third party, receives the last product. Giffy B.V. may, provided it is clearly stated before the ordering process, refuse an order consisting of multiple products with different delivery times.

    b. If the delivery of a product consists of multiple shipments or parts: the day on which the consumer, or a designated third party, receives the last shipment or the final part.

    c. For contracts involving the regular delivery of products over a specific period: the day on which the consumer, or a designated third party, receives the first product.

For services and digital content not delivered on a physical medium:

  1. The consumer may cancel a service contract or a contract for the delivery of digital content not provided on a physical medium within a minimum cooling-off period of 14 days without providing any reason. Giffy B.V. may ask the consumer for the reason for withdrawal but cannot require them to provide one.

  2. The cooling-off period mentioned in paragraph 3 starts on the day following the conclusion of the contract.

Extended cooling-off period in case of failure to inform about the right of withdrawal:

  1. If Giffy B.V. has not provided the consumer with the legally required information about the right of withdrawal or the model withdrawal form, the cooling-off period will expire twelve months after the end of the original cooling-off period as established in the previous sections of this article.

  2. If Giffy B.V. provides the information referred to in paragraph 5 to the consumer within twelve months after the original start date of the cooling-off period, the cooling-off period will expire 14 days after the day on which the consumer has received that information.

Formulier Herroepingsrecht

(dit formulier alleen invullen en terugzenden wanneer u de overeenkomst wilt herroepen)

  • Aan:     [ naam ondernemer]
    [ geografisch adres ondernemer]
    [ faxnummer ondernemer, indien beschikbaar]
    [ e-mailadres of elektronisch adres van ondernemer]

  • Ik/Wij* deel/delen* u hierbij mede, dat ik/wij* onze overeenkomst betreffende
    de verkoop van de volgende producten: [aanduiding product]*
    de levering van de volgende digitale inhoud: [aanduiding digitale inhoud]*
    de verrichting van de volgende dienst: [aanduiding dienst]*,

  • Besteld op*/ontvangen op* [datum bestelling bij diensten of ontvangst bij producten]

  • [Naam consumenten(en)]

  • [Adres consument(en)]

  • [Handtekening consument(en)] (alleen wanneer dit formulier op papier wordt ingediend)

  • [Datum]

* Doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is of invullen wat van toepassing is.